CO2 Ranking

Based on Big Data

We give CO2 Emission Rating for ocean going ships of 50,000+ vessels using Big Data of 12,000+ ports, 90+billion marine weather data and 500,000+ actual sea routes for environmental loads, ship speeds, distances & time travelled.

Ship Movements & Engine Data

Weather Data

Satellite Data

Issuing the Ranking Certificate

CO2 Rating Certificate

The growing importance of ESG report for the maritime industry is required by regulators, cargo owners, investors, insurance companies and brokers, as they need accurate information for ESG management and the best investment strategy.

An ESG report from ship operation by AllSeaData Inc. will give transparent information of CO2 emission for ESG customers to build a sustainable business and to decrease the negative impact on their business operations.

We provide CO2 emission ranking of global ships with respect to ship type, ship size, ship owners, and shipyards.